There is a lot going on here at The River!
We have meetings going on seven days a week.
There is something for everyone to get involved in!
Celebrate Recovery
Celebrate Recovery (CR) is a Christ centered 12 step recovery program for those dealing with "hurts, habits and hang-ups" not just chemical addictions.
Bus Ministry
The River Church Bus Ministry provides rides to individuals and families in need every Sunday for AM and PM services. We love blessing individuals who would otherwise be unable to receive proper transportation. To sign up for a ride please see our Facebook Page.
Evangelist and church people travel throughout the 328 cities and towns of Oregon telling people that Jesus loves them and how they can know they are going to Heaven.
Our program seeks to champion at-risk youth, provide purpose, instill moral values, and to change our community for generations to come.
River Youth Group
The River Youth Group (RYG) meets on Sunday evenings. We have a lot of fun with service projects, outings, and food. Come join the fun!
River Learning
Just starting out homeschooling? Need support and encouragement? Really do not want to send your children back to public school? We are developing a plan to work together to educate our children together at church.
Children's Ministry
Our children are growing and learning so much. We have a preschool room for children 1-4 years old. The older children (5 years old - 5th grade) meet in the children's room for both Sunday services.
River Impact
Interested in furthering your education in Ministry? Join RIU for great classes taught by respected Pastors and leaders. Impacting our culture with the Holy Spirit and Fire!
Men's Ministry
Men's Reboot Ministry - A time for men to get together & fellowship. Join us for breakfast on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month in the foyer. The men also have fun & exciting adventures planned throughout the year!
Women's Ministry
The Women's Ministry is all about women getting to know and encouraging each other. They plan fun outings, game nights, Bible Studies, and share and care for one another on Tuesday evenings at 6:30pm.
Worship Ministries
The Worship Team has three 4 month term commitments. Just come to our semi-annual Open House Worship Team meetings. We’re looking for sound/technical engineers, all musical instruments, people who are lead worshipers of Jesus, and team players.
ZEK 47 Coffee
Welcome to our coffee shop! We have an assortment of hot and cold drinks available for purchase. We also have The River Church merchandise available: shirts, notebooks, jewelry, greeting cards and more!
Kingdom Business Fellowship
KBF is dedicated to studying principles from the word of God that will teach and exhort men and women to build the Kingdom Of God through business and finance to help fund the end-time harvest.
The River Outreach Ministry
TROM goes out on the streets of Salem every Friday at 7pm & Saturday at 11am for soul winning. Street witnessing is a great opportunity for you to step out in faith and be doers of the Word.