Celebrate Recovery (CR) is an international Christ-centered recovery/healing ministry founded in 1991 at Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California. The ministry is currently hosted by over 35,000 churches and extends into maximum and minimum security prison systems internationally.

CR uses the common 12 Steps of Recovery, but also incorporates corresponding scripture found in the Beatitudes in the book of Matthew. CR is different than AA, NA and other secular recovery groups in that CR is for anyone seeking healing from “hurts, habits and hang-ups.” Only 1 out of 3 people attending CR is struggling with chemical addiction. People who attend CR also struggle with food addiction, overspending, co-dependency, family dysfunction, low self-worth, church hurt, pornography addiction, etc. ALL are welcome to join us at The River Church CR!

Celebrate Recovery meets every Monday at 5:30pm for dinner & 6:30pm begins worship followed by teaching/testimony.

If you have any questions about CR, please call the church office (503-385-8721, option 3).

Your prayers for our CR Ministry are always appreciated

CR Ministry Leaders
Pastors Andrew & Trina Perkins