Bus Ministry
Need A Ride?
To sign up for a ride please visit our Facebook page for up to date information.
(503) 385-8721 x 116
Ministry Leader
Pastor Andrew Perkins
The River Church Bus Ministry provides rides to individuals and families in need every Sunday for AM and PM services. We love blessing individuals who would otherwise be unable to receive proper transportation.
The Bus Ministry is all about getting people without a car safely to church for an encounter with God and taking opportunity along the way for prayer and blessing too. Our need for drivers and riders is increasing as the number of people needing rides is increasing. Since our equipment is older and needs maintenance/repairs, auto mechanics are needed as well. We are in need of more licensed/endorsed drivers. Please prayerfully consider your place in this valuable ministry, whether financially, driving, riding, cleaning, scheduling or maintaining -- loving people make it happen.
Contact Andrew Perkins if you'd like to serve in this ministry.