Children's Ministries
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
The River Children's Ministry is dedicated to leading ALL children in a spirit-filled, life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ. This ministry belongs to Jesus and our teaching staff is honored to be able to steward over it.
All staff that serve in Children's Ministry are background checked and required to go through two trainings a year that may focus on child development and special needs care. We have a secure check- in and check-out system to keep your children safe.
Here are the areas of our Children's Ministry:
Nursery: 1-2 years old enjoy age-appropriate areas and activities. (Sunday mornings only for now.)
Preschool: 1-4 years old go through a short age-appropriate Bible lesson, have lunch, worship, and lots of play time.
Children: 4 years old - 5th grade have an exciting and fun time in our Children's room. They enjoy their own worship, prayer, Bible memorization, lesson, craft and playtime. We serve them a light breakfast and lunch to have them focused and ready to learn.
Nursing Mother's Room: This room offers a private space to care for you babies. It is stocked with refreshments, comfortable seating, and a few toys for your little one.
First time visiting? You can register ahead of time here.
If you have been attending The River Church for at least three months then you have the opportunity to serve in the Children's ministry. Below are areas to serve:
Teaching Staff If you have a heart for God's children, or a heart/gifting for teaching, we would love to have you be part of our team.
Teaching Assistants If you have a heart for God's children, but maybe you don't feel confident teaching right away, we would love to have you as an assistant. In this area you will help serve in many capacities and have the opportunity to be mentored in teaching/serving in the Children's Ministry.
Check-In This area is great for those who have gifting in administration and eye for detail. This team is our gatekeepers.
Youth Helpers our River youth group offers great help to our teachers by organizing snacks and leading our sound board.
Unable to serve, but you want to support our ministry? Donations for Children's Ministry snacks and lunches are always appreciated. We have over 40 children on Sunday mornings, and we always ensure they are fed.
The best way to contribute snacks is to use our Amazon wishlist to order items and have them sent straight to the church.
God is on the move and we are expecting big things! Prayers are always appreciated.
Continued Prayer Needs:
That God would pour out His spirit on our children so they would be radically changed in order to lead this generation in a move of God.
That the Holy Spirit would transform our children in their worship and that they would worship like they never have before.
That God would give the Children's Ministry Team wisdom -- wisdom to know how to lead and guide our children.
If you have any questions or concerns about The River Church Children's Ministry, please contact:
Children's Ministry Directors
Elders David & Kendra Gibby
503-385-8721 ext 105